To the Magnolia Park Merchant Association
The MPMA is a non-profit corporation founded in 2014 by a group of Magnolia Park merchants. The Board of Directors and all its members are Magnolia Park small business owners just like you. We care about the community and have joined together to help improve our beautiful Burbank district and strive to build awareness of Magnolia Park through the use of strategic events, social media, marketing, promotions, meeting with City of Burbank leaders and more.
Member Perks
Why Joining Matters
As a member of the Magnolia Park Merchants Association, you’re not just supporting your community—you’re helping Magnolia Park grow and thrive as a united force. Members benefit from exclusive access to information about upcoming events, collaborative problem-solving discussions, and security updates shared by local authorities. Additionally, our strong relationship with city offices ensures district concerns are heard and addressed effectively.
Plus, members receive exclusive perks, including $50 off Holiday in the Park registration—that’s like getting FREE Priority Placement, allowing you to choose the block your booth will be located on during the event—plus "early bird" access with lower pricing! You’ll also have access to our social media channels, newsletter, and other promotional avenues to help spotlight your business and connect with the Magnolia Park community.
Social media
Social Media promotion and opportunities on Magnolia Park’s Facebook & Instagram.
Reach the community through the MPMA email newsletter with almost 2,400 recipients.
Get listed on the Magnolia Park Website and placed on the Member’s Map which is included in our SHOP LOCAL QR billboard.
Inclusion on any Magnolia Park marketing material that are available in Mag Park stores and distributed to all Burbank hotels.
Additional Benefits
Business Advocacy with the City of Burbank about the future of Magnolia Park
Networking opportunities with other businesses in Magnolia Park
Benefits of MPMA’s relationship with the Burbank Chamber of Commerce
Updates on local information such as police activity and construction
Updates on local legislation
Affiliate Membership
Businesses Outside of Magnolia Park
Businesses that do not reside within the Magnolia Park District (West Magnolia Blvd. between Clybourn and Victory, and Hollywood Way between Clark and Chandler), may join the MPMA as Affiliate Members. Affiliates enjoy many of the perks of membership including a listing on our website, newsletter advertising, and posts on our social media accounts. However, Affiliate Members will not be listed on the Members Map, and will not be able to hold a board position or vote in the MPMA.